This article will cover four different methods for checking if you have been blocked on TikTok. Whether you’re trying to resolve a misunderstanding with a friend оr simply want to know if someone has blocked you, these methods will help you find out.

Method 1: Check Your “Following” List

Method 1 for checking if you have been blocked on TikTok is to check your “Following” list. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Navigate to your “Following” list on TikTok. This can usually be found by tapping your profile picture in the bottom-right corner of the app and then selecting the “Following” option. Step 2: Scroll through the list and see if there are any accounts that you can no longer view. If you cannot view an account that you were previously able to view, you have likely been blocked by that user. Step 3: If you find an account you can no longer view, try reaching out to the user through a different method (such as through a mutual friend or on a different social media platform) tо see if you can resolve any misunderstandings potentially have the block lifted. Јust because you can no longer view an account on your “Following” list does not necessarily mean that that user has blocked you. The user may have simply made their account private or deleted it. However, if you cannot view an account that you were previously able to view and you have no other explanation for why this is the case, you have likely been blocked.

Method 2: Check Your “Fans” List

Method 2 for checking if you have been blocked on TikTok is to check your “Fans” list. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Navigate to your “Fans” list on TikTok. This can usually be found by tapping on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner of the app and then selecting the “Fans” option. Step 2: Scroll through the list аnd see if there are any accounts you used to be able to interact with but can no longer interact with. For example, if you used to be able to like and comment on a user’s posts but are no longer able to do so, you may have been blocked by that user. Step 3: If you find an account that you can no longer interact with, try reaching out to the user through a different method (such as through a mutual friend or on a different social media platform) to see if you can resolve any misunderstandings and potentially have the block lifted.

Method 3: Check Your Direct Messages

Method 3 for checking if you have been blocked on TikTok is to check your Direct Messages. To dо this, follow these steps: Step 1: Navigate to your Direct Messages on TikTok. This can usually be found by tapping on the speech bubble icon in the bottom-right corner of the app. Step 2: Check to see if there are any users with that you can no longer send messages. If you cannot send messages to a user you were previously able to send, you have likely been blocked by that user. Step 3: If you find a user to that you can no longer send messages, try reaching out to the user through a different method (such as through a mutual friend or on a different social media platform) to see if you can resolve any misunderstandings and potentially have the block lifted.

Method 4: Ask a Friend to Check

Method 4 is to ask a friend to check if you have been blocked on TikTok. To do this, follow these steps: Step 1: Have a friend check to see if they can view the account. To do this, have your friend search for the user on TikTok and try to view their profile. Step 2: If your friend can view the account, the user likely blocked you. Step 3: If your friend cannot view the account, the user may have made their account private or deleted it. In this case, it is not necessarily certain that you have been blocked.


There are several different methods that you can use to check if you have been blocked on TikTok. These methods include checking your “Following” list, your “Fans” list, your Direct Messages, and asking а friend to check. If you suspect another user has blocked you, it is important to remember to remain respectful and resolve any misunderstandings respectfully.