We are going to do this in 3 parts

  1. Download WAMP and WordPress.
  2. Creating a database for the website.
  3. Installing WordPress in localhost.

Follow this simple steps to install wamp on windows 7

  1. Download the WAMP Server and install it into the system.
  2. Download the latest version of WordPress.
  3. Now once you have to download both, you will need to install wamp server. Run the WAMP software, it pretty simple steps just click on next, and you will be able to configure it,
  4. You will see a small icon a right side of taskbar, click on it and select localhost (wait for it to turn green) or Open your favorite browser and type in http://localhost.
  5. You will see a page like this under tools menu select PHPMyAdmin. The URL should have changed to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/

7.It’s time to create a database for your local website. Click on the database tab enter the database name here I will be using WordPress and click create.

  1. Open C:\wamp\www and add a new folder here and name it as Wordpress. Now you have to extract wordpress.zip file in this WordPress folder.

  2. Finally, you have to create a configure file to install WordPress, go to http://localhost/wordpress on your browser. You will see the create a configure file, click on it.

Enter the following details Database names     Wordpress Username                root Password                 (leave it blank) For the rest two keep it default After filling this form click submit, if everything went well, it will ask you to run the installation, click Run the install. Next screen will ask you to enter your blog title, login username, and password. Congratulation !! you have install WordPress successfully, now log in with your username and password

If your works include running your Website / Project online & working with Multiple locations, then WAMP server might not be your thing. Try USBWebserver it will Simply convert your Pen-drive into a web server, so you won’t have to install software on Multiple Computer. Also read: How to Convert Flash Drive Into a Portable Web Server