Google home listening and Google home voice are smart features, which can not only smartly control your home but also answer your questions.  These tools are programmed to react on a specific “wake word”, post which they put the speaker on.  For Google home listening devices which are working on Google Assistant, the “Wake Word” usually is “Hey Google” or “Okay Google”.  Well, to deliver better results and give you perfect solutions, Google Assistant stores sample audio files of your questions and instructions. To your surprise, Google has a massive database of your data.

How to Delete Audio & Voice Recordings?

Delete Voice Recordings on your PC 

Delete Voice Recordings on your Phone

These are the initial steps that one can carry out to delete Voice recordings from a PC or a mobile phone. Once you have completed these steps, you can delete a specific activity by selecting the delete option from the 3-dot icon. You can delete voice recording by month or by request. 

Remove your recording history for a specific date. 

You can follow the same steps to delete recordings from your mobile phone. 

Learn how to turn off Voice and Audio Activity

Rather than deleting, you can also stop Google from keeping a record of your voice and audio recordings. 

How to disable it on PC

How to disable it on a mobile phone

So these are specific ways by which you can avoid and delete the video and audio recording.