We collect many images on our device’s storage, whether a smartphone or computer. This is our way to save memory for a longer period. However, saving sometimes also results in menace. This happens because as we try to store multiple images, our library gets cluttered with tons of images. This problem of the collection of unnecessary images on your device’s storage is quite common. All the users face this problem at least once. Our go-to approach to solving this problem is to delete the images manually as we come across the same. However, what if there are multiple images that you should remove from your device that you can’t even find easily? This is where photo cleaner apps come to your rescue. You may already know that there are tons of duplicate image removers for Windows and Mac, but what about smartphones? There are a few photo duplicate cleaner apps for Android and iOS devices that you can try and remove all the similar, duplicate, or unnecessary images from your device’s memory. Multiple apps claim to delete unnecessary images but fail to deliver the same. Hence, we have found the best and most reliable ones for you. Check out the further sections of the article to have a glance at such apps.

Which are the Best Photo Cleaner Apps in 2022?

To answer the question, we present below a list of the best photo cleaner apps available for free in 2022. For ease of making the decision, we suggest that you go through the features and descriptions of all the apps, compare and download the one(s) you like the most.

1. CCleaner

CCleaner is the first name on this list of the best photo cleaner apps. This app is voted as one of the best duplicate file finders and cleaners for Windows and the app is also available for free on Android devices. With a single tap, you can remove unnecessary images from the device’s library very quickly. Additionally, the app also offers other performance enhancements for your device.

Features of CCleaner:

Check the features of CCleaner below to know why the app is popular among the photos duplicate cleaner apps.

With a single tap, you can free up space on your device’s storage by removing junk.You get exceptional control over different types of multimedia files with the app.CCleaner offers one of the most exclusive features to resize images on your device.You can take the help of the CCleaner app to control other apps’ usage on the device and cut digital time.With a single tap, you can improve the speed and performance of your Android with the CCleaner app.

Download CCleaner for Android

2. Files by Google

The goodwill of Google is quite huge and the company tries everything to retain the same. Hence, the developers at Google only present reliable and worthy apps and software for users. One such app from the house is Files by Google. The app is amongst the best photo cleaner apps. The app shows all the old and big images on your device to help you delete them. But that’s not all, there is a lot more that the app offers.

Features of Files By Google:

Below are the exceptional and helpful features offered by the Files by Google app.

Apart from images, you can also use the Clean option of the app to remove unnecessary data.The app allows you to review the data on the images and delete or save them as required.The Files app shows data in various categories and hence allows ease of deleting the same.With the help of the app, you can share the data from your device with others offline.A simple tap on the main UI of the app allows your device to run and work better and faster.

Download Files By Google for Android Also Read: How to Manage Duplicate Photos on Windows 10

4. Clean My Photos

If you think that your device has a lot of duplicate images, then you can use the Clean My Photos app. This is the photos duplicate cleaner app that works quite well to help you remove similar or duplicate images. The app is powered by smart Artificial Technology that scans for different objects and finds duplicates. But that’s not the only feature of the tool.

Features of Clean My Photos:

Below are some of the worth-mentioning features of Clean My Photos as one of the best photo cleaner apps.

If the storage of your iOS device is full, you should take the help of Clean My Photos for the best results.The smart duplicate cleaner of the app allows you to remove extras with a simple tap.Apart from images, the app also provides features to merge duplicate contacts.The app is only available for iOS and works very well to help users.You can also take the help of Clean My Photos to lock or hide images from the gallery.

Download Clean My Photos for iPhone/iOS Also Read: Best Free Android Cleaner Apps to Optimize & Speed Up Your Android

5. Duplicates Cleaner

The next name on this list of the best photo cleaner apps is Duplicates Cleaner. Just like its name, the app does what it says, cleans duplicates. Using the app, you can delete not only duplicate or similar images but also other types of documents and files. The powerful AI of the tool scans the storage of the device very deeply and gets rid of them with a simple click.

Features of Duplicates Cleaner:

Let’s have a look at the best features of Duplicates Cleaner to know more about this photos duplicate cleaner.

The app scans the storage of the device very quickly but thoroughly to look for duplicates.With a single tap, you can clear up GBs of data very easily.The app also helps in improving the performance of the device by getting rid of junk files.The interface of the app is very easy to use for all kinds of users, beginners or professionals.You can download and use Duplicates Cleaner for free on Android devices.

Download Duplicates Cleaner for Android

6. AVG Cleaner

The AVG Cleaner has been in the running for years and has secured a position in the list of best photo cleaner apps at all times. This app is quite great and effective in deleting unnecessary data from your device and improving its performance. With a single tap, AVG Cleaner can allow you to remove junk and free up a lot of your memory. Photo optimization is amongst the numerous features offered by the app.

Features of AVG Cleaner:

Below are some of the outstanding features of AVG Cleaner that show the true identity of the app as one of the free photos cleaner apps.

The app analyzes the images on your device and provides smart management features.With the help of the app, you can also optimize the size of images if you don’t want to delete them.If you are not a fan of manual cleaning, you can use the automatic cleaning features of the app for ease.As the app is quite smart and effective, it allows you to uninstall integrated app updates.The functions of the app also allow you to save battery and extend hardware life.

Download AVG Cleaner for Android

7. Remo Duplicate Photos Remover

Remo Software is amongst the most renowned development companies ever. From the house of the same comes Remo Duplicate Photos Remover. This app is amongst the most effective and best photo cleaner apps. The working and interface of the app are quite simple. With a simple tap on the Scan button, you can get all the power required to delete duplicate pictures.

Features of Remo Duplicate Photos Remover:

The app shows duplicates in two categories, viz. duplicates and data occupied. Delete or keep as required.The build of the app is quite strong and scans the storage very deeply for duplicates.There are different modes to look for duplicates according to your requirements.The app can work in the background for you to work on other important data.The app works on both iPhone and Android devices.

Download Remo Duplicate Photos Remover for Android Download Remo Duplicate Photos Remover for iPhone

8. Smart Cleaner

Let’s talk about iOS. Smart Cleaner is amongst the top best photo cleaner apps. With the help of this ‘buddy for iPhone,’ you can sort out your device’s storage very quickly and efficiently. The best part? The app works on both the storage of your iPhone and the Cloud. Hence, you can declutter everything from the online and offline gallery. But that’s not all.

Features of Smart Cleaner:

Have a look at the best features of Smart Cleaner, a worthy name on this list of free photos cleaner apps.

The app lets you check the connection speed for ease.The interface of the app is very navigation-friendly and contains multiple functionalities on the main screen.A simple tap on Smart Cleaning allows you to clean up duplicate photos as well as other unnecessary and old ones.The app does not delete images or any other data without your permission.The smart preview option of the app comes in handy when you have to decide among similar images. Delete or keep as required.Additionally, you can use Smart Cleaner to merge duplicate contacts and back up the phonebook, with various other features.

Download Smart Cleaner for iPhone

9. Slidebox Photo Organizer

Approaching the end of this list of the best photo cleaner apps, we have an app that works for both Android and iPhone. Slidebox Photo Organizer is a great way to remove clutter and organize your library. If you own both kinds of devices, this tool is the best for you. You can do so much more than you think with Slidebox, let’s go through the major ones below.

Features of Slidebox Photo Organizer:

Slidebox Photo Organizer is a worthy name in the list of free photos cleaner apps. Let’s know why.

You can use the app, select multiple images, and sort them into folders and albums. Feasibility and management are at your fingertips.If you are or have been using other apps to manage, then also the app works perfectly with such apps.The app allows you to compare similar or duplicate images and make the decision as required.You can download and use Slidebox Photo Organizer just swipe up on any image and delete the same.The app also works on iCloud and organizes the same.

Download Slidebox Photo Organizer for Android Download Slidebox Photo Organizer for iOS

10. Nox Cleaner

Lastly, we have Nox Cleaner as one of the best photo cleaner apps. This app is more than just a solution to organize your digital library. Nox Cleaner is also a performance enhancer and booster tool for Android. The app works best with the help of the internet but does not disclose or share your data with others. If your device heats a lot, then you can use this app as it offers a CPU cooler feature for such problems.

Features of Nox Cleaner:

Check the features of Nox Cleaner below to know why the app is so well-known among the photo duplicate cleaner apps.

The Image Manager of the app shows the storage covered by duplicate and unnecessary images.If you play games on your Android device, then Nox Cleaner can help you run the same better.Whether your device is old or new, the app can improve its performance.The app comes with an integrated Antivirus to protect your device.A simple tap on the Cleaner button can allow you to remove the trash.

Download Nox Cleaner for Android Also Read: Best iPhone and iPad Cleaner Apps to Clean Storage

Best Photo Cleaner Apps for Android and iPhone: Listed

Now it’s time we conclude this list of the best apps to clean photos on Android and iPhone. We hope that at least one, if not all, of the apps on this list, satisfies your requirements and meets your expectations. Do let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. You can ask your queries in the comments section below or provide suggestions as required. If you liked this article on the best photo cleaner apps, don’t forget to subscribe to the Techpout Blog’s newsletter. This will allow you to get instant email updates regarding new additions to the blog.

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